Giving Back to The Barn: A Work Retreat - 6 nights

November 3 - 9, 2024

work retreat at The Barn at The Sharpham Trust

Location: Sharpham Trust

Address: The Barn Retreat CentreLower Sharpham Barton FarmAshpringtonTotnesSouth Devon TQ9 7DX

  • The Barn - Supported Rate – £185.00
  • The Barn - Standard Rate – £250.00
  • The Barn - Benefactor Rate – £325.00
Program is fully booked
Program is fully booked

Help us nurture The Barn for the future – and get a less expensive retreat at the same time.

Join us for practising and working in community.

Have you been to at least one Barn retreat in the past, and you would like to join us in painting and home repairs? There will be a variety of work involved, including some physically strenuous work. You will need to be of or above average physical ability in order to participate. If this sounds like you, please come and join our community in work and practice.

We will keep some of the same Barn schedule of meditating and listening to teachings, but with longer work periods to prepare The Barn for future retreats.

This retreat is for you if you:

  • Have been to The Barn on retreat before
  • Have skills in painting, maintenance and home repairs
  • Of average or above average physical ability
  • Are prepared to live and work in community, preparing meals together and working in the gardens
  • are aged 18 and above

Our work retreats

Our work retreats are similar to the usual Barn Retreat.

There will be a maximum of 8 participants on this retreat.

There are periods of silence on each of our retreats.

Daily meditations

There are approximately three 40-minute meditation sittings each day, and it’s important that you commit to them to deepen your practice and connect to the community here.

Working on the land

It is important that you are willing to participate in working on the land as part of your mindfulness practice (we can easily find suitable tasks for people with health difficulties) and that you can commit to all the scheduled activities during the week.

What you’ll experience on this retreat

During this retreat you’ll:

  • be living in community with like-minded people, sharing experiences and tasks, including the making of meals and taking care of the house
  • experience guided meditations and periods of silence and quiet contemplation
  • have a single-occupancy room and your own space in which to rejuvenate, with free time to deeply rest and reconnect with yourself
  • have access to 24-hour hot teas, coffee & infusions in the kitchen
  • be able to explore the beautiful Sharpham Estate, set within a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty close to nature, amid breath-taking scenery on the banks of the River Dart

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